UDAEF Grants Create Upper Darby School District Initiatives
The Upper Darby Arts & Education Foundation (UDAEF) rewards innovative educational initiatives that enrich and enhance the educational experience of the students of the Upper Darby School District, especially if they address areas that benefit large numbers of UDSD students but may not be possible within the Upper Darby School District’s budget constraints.
UDAEF will consider applications for grants from teachers, student organizations, schools, and other organizations within, and related to, the Upper Darby School District. This includes grant requests that may not be curriculum-based, but still fulfill the mission of UDAEF to support education in the community.
Grants are generally limited to $1,000 or less; however, requests for larger amounts will be considered on a case-by-case basis for programs of exceptional educational or cultural value that will make a significant impact on many students. All grants are limited by the funds available in a particular year.
Funding Priorities
While other projects may be considered, these programs will be given first consideration:
Academic Enrichment
Community Initiatives
Cultural Programs
Music and the Arts
Student Support Services
Technology and Learning
Foundation Grant Application Process for Upper Darby School District:
Develop your project/initiative.
Ensure your project/initiative is consistent with the Foundation Grant Application Guidelines
Complete and submit the application form to your school principal by March 1st. Any applications submitted after the deadline will automatically be deferred until the following year. Download Foundation Grant Application here.
Your school principal will review and approve/decline your proposed project and submit it to UDSD administration for review.
Upon District approval, the UDAEF Grants Committee will review all grant requests and forward to the UDAEF Board of Directors with recommendations for funding consideration.
All applicants will receive notification of award decisions by early May.
To complete the process and be eligible for future Foundation Grants, you will need to submit a Year End Grant Report. Appropriate documentation and photos should be attached, and submitted to admin@udfoundation.org no later than one year from the award date.
Questions and Additional Information
Please contact admin@udfoundation.org with questions regarding the UDAEF Grants Application Process.