The Upper Darby Cultural Arts & Education Center: An Update
In July 2023, as part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Upper Darby Township Council unanimously awarded $800,000 in federal funding to the Upper Darby Arts & Education Foundation (UDAEF) for the creation of a cultural arts & education center at Barclay Square. By committing this funding to UDAEF through Ordinance #3141, Township Council encumbered these funds for the purpose of developing a cultural arts and education center accessible to all Upper Darby residents.
UDAEF immediately began to develop a plan and a vision for an innovative, inclusive, impactful Cultural Arts & Education Center. Professional designs have been created and refined; a diverse menu of programs and services has been developed; and significant match-plus funding in excess of One Million Dollars has been secured.
In September 2024, UDAEF received a request from Township officials to present the UDAEF plan and vision to Township Council on the evening of Wednesday, October 16th. However, with limited notice, UDAEF’s presentation was removed from the Township Council’s meeting agenda.
The Cultural Arts and Education Center project is now at risk due to opposition from Township administration, who recently filed a 260-page appeal with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court despite UDAEF's decision not to pursue legal recourse, and before the project presentation was ever submitted. Inexplicably, Township officials continue to expend valuable taxpayer dollars on legal representation to stop this positive community project from moving forward.
UDAEF has repeatedly made every effort to engage in transparency and good faith. If this issue is not resolved by December 31st, the $800,000 ARPA funding will be returned to the federal government and the matching funds will disappear; a missed, once-in-a-generation opportunity of nearly Two Million Dollars and long-term impact to benefit our community.
This accompanying video was intended to be presented to Upper Darby Township Council at the October 16th meeting. Instead, UDAEF is proud to share our vision with the residents of Upper Darby and surrounding communities.
We firmly believe in a bright future, with arts & education at the heart of Upper Darby. The creation of an innovative, inclusive Cultural Arts & Education Center is necessary to the quality of life for Upper Darby residents for the myriad reasons referenced in the video presentation. The federal ARPA funding assigned to this project makes the vision a reality.
We hope you enjoy our presentation and our vision. We invite you to voice your support for the Cultural Arts and Education Center.
We are grateful to you, our community, for your continued dedication to our mission – to transform lives through inclusive arts and education experiences that empower young people and unite our community.